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Drain Maintenance Tips And Advice


Clogged drains are an all too common problem for many householders. However, regular drain maintenance can go a long way towards reducing the problem of blockages. Here are some maintenance tips to help keep drains in good condition:

Clean Food Residues

Leftover food being disposed of down the drain is one of the most common causes of blockages. Remnants of food should ideally be thrown away before cleaning the dishes. A small sieve can also be fitted over the plug hold to catch food residues.

Dispose of Liquids Correctly

Certain liquids, particularly oily ones, can solidify when poured down the drain. Over time, this can cause serious blockages. Ideally, oils should be disposed of in the bin instead of down the drain.

Flush With Hot Water

Even if care is taken, minor blockages can frequently occur in kitchen drains. Small blockages can usually be effectively removed using hot water. This can also remove grease from the drains and improve their smell. Boil some hot water and pour it down the drain. Repeat this a second time, then flow cold water through the drain for about a minute. Ideally, drains should be flushed with hot water once a week.

Drain Jetting

For persistent blockages, drain jetting London could be the solution. A high-pressure drain cleaner is used to negotiate the pipes and exert force on stubborn blockages, removing them permanently. This powerful process is effective in removing blockages that would be difficult (or impossible) to remove using other methods.

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